Meet Our Fitting Experts
Besides the day to day operations of the boutique, from greeting patrons on the sales floor to managing inventories and other aspects to manning a boutique, each day was no like the other.
In this week’s feature, we headed to 7 outlets and spoke to our fitting experts, learning about their quirks and some professional fit advice.
First, we have one of our newest members – Elly. Though Elly has been with us for 10 months, aforementioned overseeing the operations at Bedok Mall boutique.

On the sales floor, Elly exhibited her professionalism to customers, privately we observed a humbled individual while showing enthusiasm at her profession.
Next, we met up with Pei Jun from Century Square. Pei Jun has been around the family for 6 years. With every customer she has assisted over the years, has enabled her to accumulate experience and recommending products based on a customer’s needs. She also shared a pointer with us when purchasing the next bra, we ought to share.

"Ensure that there is some allowance between the straps and shoulder, a finger would be optimal to gauge the space. Adjust straps accordingly then slid a finger in and it should be able to slide up and downwards comfortably."
On to our next Fitting Expert, we have someone special and that holds a place in our heart. Kin Eng with us at NEX – just a year shy away from 3 decades of experience. Privately, she is a woman of few words and a tad reserved but we have observed her on the selling floor, always actively listening to patrons' needs and feedback.

Xue Li at Waterway Point was a joy to meet up with. With 22 years of experience, she believes that being in the service industry, sincerity and a smile from the heart is indispensable. We hang out a bit in the bustled store and learnt that often, a customer faces irregularity in breast sizes as they lost some weight, or gained and perhaps had children, or nursed. That is when bra cups with a slot comes in handy, one may remove or add on padding when necessary.

We headed next to Northpoint City, where we met up with Joey. Joey was collectively mellow and even-tempered to speak to while observing her assisting a customer. With close to 2 years of experience, Joey was usually approached with concerns of accessory breast and discomfort. Most women do not realise that they are wearing the wrong size and simply believe that it is supposed to look and feel some way.

We met Xiu Yan at our Westgate boutique. Xiu Yan started as a part-time position and have been around the family for 15 years today. We loved her quirk and the animated conversion, which led us to believe that brought many returned customers.

Finally, we headed to our latest home at Clementi Mall where we met Irene. Before joining the family, just like any of us - Irene had no single clue on lingerie. The casual conversation with Irene shows us otherwise today, her knowledge on the plethora of lingerie on racks, just as though they were on the back of her hand.

There is no better feeling than donning a well-fitted bra. Your potential is limitless when you are feeling your best self. Lingerie has been a complex garment with many elements to consider, let's leave them for our Fitting Experts!
Our bra fitting offers a one-on-one session with our Fitting Expert who has undergone training to perform fittings. The session entails more than taking your measurements, our Fitting Experts determines your size then suggest styles that will work for your breast shape and size(or address any fit issues you have run into). Book your appointment with any of our Fitting Experts here.